Storing binary information on synthetic or natural polymer chains is considered the miraculous solution that will enable archiving the rapidly growing amount of digital data on compact, stable and energy-efficient media. However, manipulating this data, erasing it, and rewriting new data remains an unresolved challenge. In an article published … Continue Reading ››
Category Archives: Publications
A colorful palette of 2D semiconductors for (opto)electronics
Une palette colorée de semi-conducteurs 2D pour l’(opto)électronique
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire de nanochimie de l’Institut de science et d’ingénierie supramoléculaires (Université de Strasbourg et CNRS), en collaboration avec l’Université technique de Dresde (Allemagne), ont mis au point une méthode de production de phosphore violet de haute qualité pour des applications en (opto)électronique. Ces résultats ont été publiés dans la revue … Continue Reading ››
Super-réseaux supramoléculaires : suprafonctions pour l’électronique et les technologies d’énergie propre
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire de nanochimie de l’Institut de science et d’ingénierie supramoléculaires (Université de Strasbourg et CNRS), en collaboration avec l’Université Jiao-tong de Shanghai (Chine) et l’Université Soochow (Chine), ont mis au point une stratégie moléculaire permettant de renforcer les performances électroniques et catalytiques des matériaux bidimensionnels (2D). Ces résultats ont été … Continue Reading ››
Supramolecular superlattices: suprafunctions for electronics and clean energy technologies
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France), in collaboration with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) and Soochow University (China), have developed a molecular strategy to boost the electronic and catalytic performance of two-dimensional (2D) materials. These results have been published in Nature Communications.
Transition metal dichalcogenides – consisting … Continue Reading ››
An organic photodetector with a natural sense of rhythm
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France), in collaboration with Tsinghua University and Shenzhen University (China), have developed an organic photodetector that is extremely sensitive in the visible and near-infrared range, with which a first application in the field of health monitoring has been realized. These results have just been published … Continue Reading ››
Boosting the electrical performance of 2D materials with molecular bridges
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg & CNRS (France), in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), have devised a new molecular strategy to boost the performance of electronic devices based on semiconducting 2D materials. These results have been published in Nature Nanotechnology.
Within … Continue Reading ››
Graphene: A Disruptive Opportunity for COVID‐19 and Future Pandemics?
When rocks lay the groundwork for the origin of life
Mineral catalysts found in deep-sea vents convert CO2 and H2 to biomolecules, showing striking parallels to known biological pathways
An international collaboration of researchers in Germany, France and Japan investigated the catalytic activities of minerals found in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The results suggest that mineral-driven chemical reactions might be closely mapped onto microbial carbon metabolism. … Continue Reading ››
Graphene as a detective to unravel molecular self-assembly
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg & CNRS (France), in collaboration with Humboldt University of Berlin and DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials/RWTH Aachen University (Germany), have demonstrated that graphene devices can be used to monitor in real time the dynamics of molecular self-assembly at the solid/liquid interface. Their results have been published in Nature Communications.