EYRA (European Young Researchers’ Award, Early Career level) - given by EuroScience & Elsevier
n July 2022, Claudia attended ESOF2022 in Leiden (NL) and received the European Young Researchers’ Award (sponsored by Elsevier). The European Young Researchers’ Award is awarded every two years by EuroScience to young researchers … Continue Reading ››
Colorful transistors controlled by voltage and pressure
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France) have fabricated organic light-emitting transistors with long afterglow that can respond to different bionic stimuli. These results have been published in the Science Advances.
Organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs) have attracted a great interest for the past few years as multifunctional optoelectronic … Continue Reading ››
Des transistors hauts en couleur contrôlés par la tension et la pression
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire de nanochimie de l’Institut de science et d’ingénierie supramoléculaires (Université de Strasbourg et CNRS) ont fabriqué des transistors électroluminescents organiques à longue rémanence qui peuvent répondre à différents stimuli bioniques. Ces résultats ont été publiés dans la revue Science Advances.
Les transistors électroluminescents organiques (OLET) ont … Continue Reading ››
Amir HOVEYDA awarded an ERC Advanced Grants 2021
New Catalysts for Synthesis of Stereodefined and Modifiable Tetrasubstituted Alkenes
Tetrasubstituted olefins are key to drug discovery, and the ability to access such entities is crucial. Pioneering studies have led to noteworthy advances but significant shortcomings remain. For example, it is especially challenging to … Continue Reading ››
Prof. Joseph Moran has received the 2022 Liebig Lectureship
Prof. Joseph Moran has received the 2022 Liebig Lectureship from the Organic Division of the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker). The award is given each year to an outstanding young scientist in organic chemistry, preferably to one working in a European country outside Germany. Moran will give a … Continue Reading ››
Le professeur Joseph Moran a reçu le prix “Liebig Lectureship 2022”
Le professeur Joseph Moran a reçu le prix <<Liebig Lectureship 2022>> de la division organique de la société chimique allemande (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker). Le prix est décerné chaque année à un jeune scientifique exceptionnel en chimie organique, de préférence travaillant dans un pays européen en dehors de l'Allemagne. Moran … Continue Reading ››
Super-réseaux supramoléculaires : suprafonctions pour l’électronique et les technologies d’énergie propre
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire de nanochimie de l’Institut de science et d’ingénierie supramoléculaires (Université de Strasbourg et CNRS), en collaboration avec l’Université Jiao-tong de Shanghai (Chine) et l’Université Soochow (Chine), ont mis au point une stratégie moléculaire permettant de renforcer les performances électroniques et catalytiques des matériaux bidimensionnels (2D). Ces résultats ont été … Continue Reading ››
Supramolecular superlattices: suprafunctions for electronics and clean energy technologies
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France), in collaboration with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) and Soochow University (China), have developed a molecular strategy to boost the electronic and catalytic performance of two-dimensional (2D) materials. These results have been published in Nature Communications.
Transition metal dichalcogenides – consisting … Continue Reading ››
An organic photodetector with a natural sense of rhythm
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France), in collaboration with Tsinghua University and Shenzhen University (China), have developed an organic photodetector that is extremely sensitive in the visible and near-infrared range, with which a first application in the field of health monitoring has been realized. These results have just been published … Continue Reading ››
Boosting the electrical performance of 2D materials with molecular bridges
Researchers from the University of Strasbourg & CNRS (France), in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), have devised a new molecular strategy to boost the performance of electronic devices based on semiconducting 2D materials. These results have been published in Nature Nanotechnology.
Within … Continue Reading ››