
Martin Karplus during a conference at ISIS  © 2013 Catherine Schröder/Université de Strasbourg

Martin Karplus passed away

It is with deep sadness and emotion that we learned of the death of Professor Martin Karplus on December 28. Alongside British-American Michael Levitt and Israeli-American Arieh Warshel, Martin Karplus won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013 for his work on computer modeling of chemical reactions.

Let's meet Benoit Pousse, PhD student at ISIS

Benoit Pousse is a second-year PhD student in Dr Jean-François Lutz’ group at ISIS (chemistry of informational macromolecules), working on oligomers. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Orléans and a master’s degree from the University of Grenoble Alpes.

A new ERC Consolidator for CESQ

Johannes Schachenmayer, researcher at the European Center for Quantum Sciences, is awarded with a European Research Council "Consolidator" grant for his project MATHLOCCA (Many-body Theory of Local Chemistry in Cavities).

Independant junior team leader position

The Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering offers an independant junior research group leader position to creative researchers with a proven track record and wishing to design, synthesize and study complex systems at the molecular level.

An ERC Synergy Grant for ISIS

Thomas Ebbesen and Cyriaque Genet, in partnership with teams from the University of Tel Aviv, the University of Pennsylvania and the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, won a Synergy grant from the prestigious European Research Council.

Post-doc in Theoretical Physics

The postdoc will benefit from stimulating environments in Strasbourg (D. Hagenmüller, CESQ-ISIS) and Bordeaux (R. Avriller, LOMA) to carry out theoretical work, and will collaborate with a local experimental group (C. Genet/T. Ebbesen, ISIS) with considerable expertise in chiral light-matter…


Agent d'accueil et logistique

L'agent d'accueil et de logistique sera localisée au Centre européen de sciences quantiques (CESQ) sur le campus de Cronenbourg et assurera les tâches suivantes : gestion de l’accueil du CESQ (physique, téléphonique), gestion logistique (aide lors des manifestations, gestion des colis, courrier,…

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L'Oréal UNESCO Prize for Women in science

Emilie Werner, a former doctoral student in the chemical catalysis laboratory at ISIS (Joseph Moran's team), has recently been awarded the Prix Jeunes Talents France 2024 L'Oréal Unesco “Pour les femmes et la science”. Emilie is one of 35 young female researchers selected from over 800 applicants…

Inauguration du Centre européen de sciences quantiques (CESQ)

L’Université de Strasbourg et le CNRS, avec le soutien de la Région Grand Est et de l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg, ont inauguré, le lundi 16 octobre 2023, le nouveau Centre européen de sciences quantiques (CESQ) à Strasbourg. Les activités de recherche du CESQ sont axées sur les sciences quantiques…

[Translate to English:] Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn
[Translate to English:] ITI SysChem
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