8 publications disponibles
Articles scientifiques
- Glassy Dynamics in a Disordered Heisenberg Quantum Spin System, Physical Review X | 2021
Co-auteur·e·s : A. Signoles - T. Franz - R. Ferracini Alves - M. Gaerttner - Shannon Whitlock - G. Zuern - M. Weidemueller - Preparation of hundreds of microscopic atomic ensembles in optical tweezer arrays, NPJ Quantum Information | 2020
Co-auteur·e·s : Yibo Wang - Sayali Shevate - Tobias Martin Wintermantel - Manuel Morgado - Graham Lochead - Shannon Whitlock - Diffusive to Nonergodic Dipolar Transport in a Dissipative Atomic Medium, Physical Review Letters | 2019
Co-auteur·e·s : Shannon Whitlock - H. Wildhagen - H. Weimer - M. Weidemueller - Realization of a Rydberg-Dressed Ramsey Interferometer and Electrometer, Physical Review Letters | 2019
Co-auteur·e·s : A. Arias - Graham Lochead - Tobias Martin Wintermantel - S. Helmrich - Shannon Whitlock - Relaxation of an Isolated Dipolar-Interacting Rydberg Quantum Spin System, Physical Review Letters | 2018
Co-auteur·e·s : A. Pineiro Orioli - A. Signoles - H. Wildhagen - G. Guenter - J. Berges - Shannon Mark Whitlock - M. Weidemueller - Uncovering the nonequilibrium phase structure of an open quantum spin system, Physical Review A | 2018
Co-auteur·e·s : S. Helmrich - A. Arias - Shannon Mark Whitlock - Simulating quantum spin models using Rydberg-excited atomic ensembles in magnetic microtrap arrays, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | 2017
Co-auteur·e·s : Shannon Mark Whitlock - Alexander W. Glaetzle - Peter Hannaford - Versatile, high-power 460 nm laser system for Rydberg excitation of ultracold potassium, Optics Express | 2017
Co-auteur·e·s : Alda Arias - Stephan Helmrich - Christoph Schweiger - Lynton Ardizzone - Graham Lochead - Shannon Mark Whitlock