4 publications disponibles
Articles scientifiques
- Fast, scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple sequence alignments using Clustal Omega, Molecular Systems Biology | 2011
Co-auteur·e·s : Fabian Sievers - Andreas Wilm - David Dineen - Toby J. Gibson - Weizhong Li - Rodrigo Lopez - Hamish McWilliam - Mixhael Remmert - Johannes Soding - Julie Thompson - Desmond G. Higgins - Implications of the quaternary twist allosteric model for the physiology and pathology of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2006
Co-auteur·e·s : Antoine Taly - Pierre-Jean Corringer - Thomas Grutter - Lia Prado De Carvalho - Jean-Pierre Changeux - Nucleophilic attack on phosphate diesters: a density functional study of in-line reactivity in dianionic, monoanionic, and neutral systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2006
Co-auteur·e·s : Xabier Lopez - Annick Dejaegere - Fabrice Leclerc - Darrin M. York - The crystallographic structure of the aldose reductase-IDD552 complex shows direct proton donation from tyrosine 48, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography | 2004
Co-auteur·e·s : Federico Ruiz - Isabelle Hazemann - André Mitschler - Andrzejj Joachimiak - Thomas Schneider - Alberto Podjarny