Job offers Theme : Job

Independant junior team leader position

The Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering offers an independant junior research group leader position to creative researchers with a proven track record and wishing to design, synthesize and study complex systems at the molecular level.

Post-doc in Theoretical Physics

The postdoc will benefit from stimulating environments in Strasbourg (D. Hagenmüller, CESQ-ISIS) and Bordeaux (R. Avriller, LOMA) to carry out theoretical work, and will collaborate with a local experimental group (C. Genet/T. Ebbesen, ISIS) with considerable expertise in chiral light-matter…


Agent d'accueil et logistique

L'agent d'accueil et de logistique sera localisée au Centre européen de sciences quantiques (CESQ) sur le campus de Cronenbourg et assurera les tâches suivantes : gestion de l’accueil du CESQ (physique, téléphonique), gestion logistique (aide lors des manifestations, gestion des colis, courrier,…

[Translate to English:] Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn
[Translate to English:] ITI SysChem
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