Prof. Shannon WHITLOCK
Bât. 120, 23 rue du Loess
67034 Strasbourg, France
Email: whitlock@ipcms.unistra.fr
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Researchers at the Exotic Quantum Matter lab use lasers to trap and manipulate atoms prepared at nearly absolute zero temperature and explore how quantum effects can be used to realize new states of matter and new technologies such as quantum enhanced sensors, quantum simulators and quantum computers.
Prof. Shannon WHITLOCK
Bât. 120, 23 rue du Loess
67034 Strasbourg, France
Email: whitlock@ipcms.unistra.fr
Professor in experimental quantum physics at the CESQ and the University of Strasbourg. His group explores the physics of complex quantum systems and applications for quantum simulation, quantum sensing and quantum computing. Shannon studied physics and completed his PhD at Swinburne University of Technologyin Melbourne in 2007, followed by a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Amsterdam. In 2010, he moved to the University of Heidelberg, in Germany where he started his own research group and advanced quantum physics laboratory thanks to a prestigious Emmy Noether Grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG). He is strongly involved in several major research and training programmes, including QMat, EU doctoral programmes MOQS andQUSTEC, and the new public infrastructure for quantum computing aQCess.