Paolo Samorì joins the elite of German science and engineering
The official nomination ceremony took place on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 in Berlin.
The official nomination ceremony took place on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 in Berlin.
After a PhD in Germany and a post-doctorate in the Netherlands, Irene Regeni officially joined ISIS on 1 March 2025 to head up her own research team in bioinorganic supramolecular chemistry.
As part of the United Nations International Year of Quantum Sciences and Technologies, the European Centre for Quantum Sciences (CESQ) of the University of Strasbourg and the CNRS is organising a series of events entitled ‘Discover the mysteries of quantum sciences’ during the week of Monday 3 to Friday 7 March 2025 at its premises on the…
Le Centre européen de sciences quantiques (CESQ-ISIS) recherche un technicien en gestion administrative (H/F) pour accompagner ses équipes de recherche. Le contrat proposé est de 6 mois renouvelable. Le poste est localisé sur le campus de Cronenbourg.
Johannes Schachenmayer, researcher at the European Center for Quantum Sciences, is awarded with a European Research Council "Consolidator" grant for his project MATHLOCCA (Many-body Theory of Local Chemistry in Cavities).
Thomas Ebbesen and Cyriaque Genet, in partnership with teams from the University of Tel Aviv, the University of Pennsylvania and the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, won a Synergy grant from the prestigious European Research Council.
The official nomination ceremony took place on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 in Berlin.
After a PhD in Germany and a post-doctorate in the Netherlands, Irene Regeni officially joined ISIS on 1 March 2025 to head up her own research team in bioinorganic supramolecular chemistry.
The Institut de Sciences et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 7006) of the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg, located on the Esplanade campus. Its vocation is to carry out multidisciplinary research at the interface between physics, chemistry and biology. ISIS has an original structure, built around senior laboratories, junior laboratories and branches of public or private laboratories, thus encouraging interactions between the academic and private sectors.
L’Université de Strasbourg et le CNRS, avec le soutien de la Région Grand Est et de l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg, ont inauguré, le lundi 16 octobre…
After a PhD in Germany and a post-doctorate in the Netherlands, Irene Regeni officially joined ISIS on 1 March 2025 to head up her own research team…
Le Centre européen de sciences quantiques (CESQ-ISIS) recherche un technicien en gestion administrative (H/F) pour accompagner ses équipes de…
Bohdan Kozibroda is currently doing his PhD under the joint supervision of Professor Jean-Marie Lehn (ISIS) and Dr Andrey Klymchenko (Bioimaging and…
Shuze joined CESQ in 2021 as a PhD student as part of the Innovative Training Network project MOQS (MOlecular Quantum Simulations) funded by Marie…
It is with deep sadness and emotion that we learned of the death of Professor Martin Karplus on December 28. Alongside British-American Michael Levitt…
Vineesha Srivastava is Indian and has very recently defended her PhD in Professor Guido Pupillo’s group at ISIS-CESQ (quantum physics), on the topic…
Benoit Pousse is a second-year PhD student in Dr Jean-François Lutz’ group at ISIS (chemistry of informational macromolecules), working on oligomers.…
Johannes Schachenmayer, researcher at the European Center for Quantum Sciences, is awarded with a European Research Council "Consolidator" grant for…
The prestigious Luigi Tartufari 2024 Prize in Physics and Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Paolo Samorì by the Italian National Academy for his…
The Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering offers an independant junior research group leader position to creative researchers with a…
Thomas Ebbesen and Cyriaque Genet, in partnership with teams from the University of Tel Aviv, the University of Pennsylvania and the Max Planck…
The official nomination ceremony took place on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 in Berlin.
The French Academy of Sciences awarded the Langevin Prize to Jean-François Lutz, for his work on “informational” polymers.
Emilie Werner, a former doctoral student in the chemical catalysis laboratory at ISIS (Joseph Moran's team), has recently been awarded the Prix Jeunes…
L’Université de Strasbourg et le CNRS, avec le soutien de la Région Grand Est et de l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg, ont inauguré, le lundi 16 octobre…
After a PhD in Germany and a post-doctorate in the Netherlands, Irene Regeni officially joined ISIS on 1 March 2025 to head up her own research team…
Erick M. Carreira is Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences and Deputy Head of the Department of Chemistry and Applied…
Programme 14h30 - 15h30 Conference by Adrian SALIC 15h30 - 16h00 Coffee break 16h00 - 17h00 Conference by Pascal MAYER Adrian SALIC, professor…
Martin Karplus had a great influence in the life of many scientists. This symposium, that will take place on Friday April 4, 2025 at 2pm, seeks to…
Donald Hilvert has been full Professor at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory of ETH Zurich.
Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Carnegie Mellon University, United States An internationally renowned polymer chemist, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski is a…
Peter R. Schreiner is professor of organic chemistry and Liebig-Chair at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University Giessen,…
Christopher Schofield is Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Oxford University.
Prof. Dr. Petra Schwille is a renowned scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Germany, where she leads research at the intersection…
Erick M. Carreira is Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences and Deputy Head of the Department of Chemistry and Applied…
Programme 14h30 - 15h30 Conference by Adrian SALIC 15h30 - 16h00 Coffee break 16h00 - 17h00 Conference by Pascal MAYER Adrian SALIC, professor…
CESQ's research activities focus on experimental, theoretical and applied quantum sciences in the fields of quantum physics, chemistry, materials, photonics and computer science.